Archive for January 27th, 2010|Daily archive page

Demiurge, not Harmonix, to make Green Day: Rock Band

Last week, we heard that Green Day: Rock Band would not be the only title in the franchise this year. Now we know why: Harmonix aren’t making it, and are presumably busy with some other project.

They’ve given the work of developing the title to fellow Cambridge, Massachusetts studio Demiurge Studios, known for porting Mass Effect to PC. Other Demiurge works include the Rock Band track packs and creating the arena mode in Borderlands.

Other details about the title are still mainly a mystery, but two things are clear: the release date is currently sometime this year, and “American Idiot” is a playable track.

[The Spoony Blog via Eurogamer]

Psychonauts is $2, go buy it now

Psychonauts. 200 cents. Steam. Off you go.

Tim Schafer’s platformer received critical acclaim back in 2005, and will almost certainly run on your computer. If the acclaim of other, more professional reviewers isn’t enough for you, it also comes with my own stamp of approval. Psychonauts sees a young cadet, Raz, learning to utilize his psychic abilities, including levitation, pyrokinesis, invisibility, and importantly, the ability to enter the minds of others. These minds are the game’s levels, which are appropriately twisted. The game is often hilarious, and an absolute blast to play, so you should already have stopped reading this to hit the buy button.

[via Steam News]