Archive for February, 2010|Monthly archive page

BHGamer moves to

All new posts will be posted to the new site. Come on over!

After about 200 posts and (at the time of writing) 8,060 views, Busy-Handed Gamer will escape the tyranny of WordPress by moving to …well, a WordPress blog.

Please, point your browsers to the new and improved for the same gaming news you know and hopefully love. Those who follow the BHGamer RSS feed shouldn’t even have to lift a finger!

See you there, folks.

(Picture credit: ProBlogger. The author does not feel that WordPress are tyrants.)

[Busy-Handed Gamer]

Aliens vs. Predator MP demo tomorrow (PC, PS3, 360)

With just a fortnight to go until Aliens vs. Predator‘s release for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 (the 16th in North America, and the 19th in Europe), Sega have announced the release of a multiplayer demo tomorrow for all 3 platforms.

Obviously, it would have been a logistical nightmare to release demos for each of the three single-player campaigns, but the online demo will let players take control of all three species in a deathmatch. As people following the game closely will be aware, extreme violence will ensue.

You can grab the demo from Steam, PlayStation Network, and Xbox Live tomorrow.

[via Eurogamer]

Put your guitars to use with Fret Nice this week

Sick of just using your guitar controllers to play Rock Band and/or Guitar Hero? Look no further than Tecmo’s platformer, Fret Nice, due to hit the North American PSN store this week.

Fret Nice will also hit the European store at a later date, but for now, North Americans can use the power of rock to help the Vibrant Chordbusters defeat the Hair Bängers (note the totally metal umlaut). The game has a quirky and unique art style, and looks to be a weird experience all-round. The title features online leaderboards and character customisation, with unlockable items and instruments.

Details are scant on how it actually plays. Apparently, Riff Combos you play with the guitar are in tune with the stage’s background music, meaning you can jam with the music, and the notes you need to play in combat depend on the eyes and tentacles of your enemies.

The game’s website also displays the Xbox Live Arcade logo, but no release date has been provided. When made available, it will join the indie shooter Battle Beat (which has a free demo!) on the service.

[Fret Nice via Joystiq]

Name your price for FFVII / hip-hop mashup album

A new album from Team Teamwork has dropped, and it’s full of funky Final Fantasy VII tracks – remixed with hip-hop and rap-type music.

Better yet, it can be yours for free, along with the other two albums available on their Bandcamp page: one which is also game-related (Ocarina of Rhyme) and one which is not, but is incredibly titled (The Good-Ass Remixes: Vol. 1). Featuring 12 tracks from FFVII‘s incredible soundtrack, it’s worth a listen. Some purists may object to the wanton modification of their beloved tunes, but others may find new enjoyment from the fusion of instrumental and the spoken word.

[Team Teamwork via Joystiq]